施開揚Brian Skerratt



Brian Skerratt is an assistant professor at the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Cross-Cultural Studies at National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan. His research and teaching focus on modern and contemporary poetry in Chinese, comparative poetics, and ecopoetics. Before joining Chung Hsing, he has taught at the Centre for China Studies at Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was a Fulbright Senior Scholar at National Chengchi University and a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy at Academia Sinica. He received his PhD from Harvard University with a specialization in modern and contemporary poetry in Chinese. His publications include articles such as “Hsia Yü Buys a Computer” and “Zhu Guangqian and the Rhythm of New Poetry.” His translations of Macanese writer Un Sio San’s poetry, Naked Picnic, are published by CUHK Press.

學 經 歷 Education and Academic Appointments

榮 譽 獎 項 Honors and Awards
  • 109學年度中興大學通識優良教師
  • 科技部補助大專校院延攬特殊優秀人才(2018.08-2021.07 )
  • 中央研究院中國文哲所博士後研究人員(2017-18)
  • Fulbright Senior Scholar(2016-17)
研 究 領 域 Areas of Specialization
  • 現代華語詩
  • 生態詩
  • 比較詩學
教 學 課 程 Courses Taught
  • 臺灣現代詩
  • 臺灣文學英譯選讀與翻譯習作
近 期 著 作 Publications
  • Brian Skerratt (2021), “Born Prphans of the Earth: Pastoral Utopia in Contemporary Taiwanese Poetry.” International Journal of Taiwan Studies, Vol 4, Issue 1101-120.. (https://brill.com/view/journals/ijts/4/1/article-p101_101.xml)
  • Brian Skerratt (2017), “The Poet in the Machine: Hsia Yü’s Analog Poetry Enters the Digital Age.” David Wang, ed. A New Literary History of Modern China (Cambridge: Harvard University Press) 873-879.
  • Brian Skerratt (2015), “Reading Modernity Musically: Zhu Guangqian and the Rhythm of New Poetry.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews37109-129.
  • 袁紹珊著,Brian SkerrattNaked Picnic (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2013).
  • Brian Skerratt (2011), Form and Transformation in Modern Chinese Poetry and Poetics哈佛大學,博士學位論文.
  • Brian Skerratt (2020.07.18), “生態與詩何關?——如何閱讀臺灣生態詩.”  2020年台灣文史知識研習營國立中興大學.
  • Brian Skerratt (2019.12.06), “Mobility, Inequality, and the Lure of Savoring: Contemporary Coffee Poems in Chinese.”  “Foodscapes of the Anthropocene: Risk, Justice, Conviviality ” International Workshop. National Chung Hsing University.
研 究 計 畫 Research Projects
  • 科技部新進人員研究計畫「前衛的本土化:跨國視野中八、九年代的台灣實驗詩」(2022年8月-2023年7月)