

主  講  人:Dr. Tong King Lee(香港大學副教授)
時  間:5月24日下午3:00~5:00
地  點:中興大學人文大樓2樓203-1教室

Dr. LEE Tong King 李忠慶博士 | School of Chinese, University of Hong Kong

Tong King LEE (LLM, PhD) is Associate Professor of Translation at the University of Hong Kong. He is a NAATI-Accredited Professional Translator, Chartered Linguist (Chartered Institute of Linguists, UK), and Specialist at the Hong Kong Council for the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications. Author of Translation and Translanguaging (2019, with M Baynham), Applied Translation Studies (2018), Experimental Chinese Literature (2015), and Translating the Multilingual City(2013), Lee has diverse interests in research and practice spanning applied linguistics and bilingual communication (for law, business, and corporate relations)