Honors & Awards
MOST Project
 MOST Project
Assistant Professor Min-xu Zhan 東南亞移民文學在台灣的接受(2019-2020)
The Reception of Southeast Asian Migrant Literature in Taiwan(2019-2020)
Professor Kuei-fen Chiu 從「世界華文文學」、「華語語系文學」,到「作為世界文學的台灣文學」(2018-2021)
From “World Literature in Chinese”,” Sinophone Literature”, to “Taiwan Literature as World Literature”(2018-2021)
Professor Yu-lin Lee 間奏曲:華語語系表述的前沿地帶(2018-2020)
Professor Huei-chu Chu 日美勢力下的戰後台灣與沖繩文化生產(2018-2021)
Cultural Productions in Postwar Taiwan and Okinawa under the Japanese and American Hegemony(2018-2021)
Associate Professor Kuo-wei Chen 現代的闇影:台灣大眾文學中的怪物身體(2018-2021)
Shadow of Modernity: Monster Body in Taiwan’s Popular Literature(2018-2021)
Associate Professor Kuo-wei Chen 以身試法:戰後台灣大眾文學的身體方法學(2017-2018)
Body Methodology of Taiwan Popular Literature after World War II(2017-2018)
Associate Professor Chia-li Kao 文化人的移動:日本帝國的南洋社會觀察(2017-2018)
Intellectuals' Mobility: The Japanese Empire's Observation of Nan'yo Society(2017-2018)
Associate Professor Chia-li Kao 日治時期現代自然知識下的文學和文化生產(2017-2019)
Modern Nature knowledge’s Production of Literary and Cultural Texts During the Japanese Colonial Period(2017-2019)
Assistant Professor Min-xu Zhan 李永平的新移民書寫(2017-2018)
Li Yong-ping’s New Immigrant Writing(2017-2018)
Professor Kuei-fen Chiu 後文字時代的台灣文學典律形塑:作家紀錄片與數位主題館(2016-2018)
Shaping Taiwan Literary Canons in the Postliterary Age: Authors’ Biographical Documentary Films and Digital Archives(2016-2018)
Associate Professor Chia-li Kao 日治時期台灣四季書寫:自然、物種與情感(2016-2017)
Writing Four Seasons in the Japanese Colonial Period: Nature, Species and Affect(2016-2017)
Professor Yu-lin Lee 檔案時代的文學書寫(2015-2018)
Literary Writing in the Age of Archivization(2015-2018)
Associate Professor Huei-chu Chu 核災之後:台日小說中的核能書寫與文學想像(2015-2017)
After the Nuclear Disaster: Literary Representations of Nuclear Power in Taiwan and Japan(2015-2017)
Professor Kuei-fen Chiu 當代台灣紀錄片研究(2014-2016)
A Study of Contemporary Taiwanese Documentaries(2014-2016)
Professor Chen-fu Liao 日治前期日人在臺漢文學中的異文化觀察──從漢族風土書寫到原住民印象(2013-2015)
The Japanese Writing of Foreign Culture in the Sino Literature during the Early Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan: from Folklore of Han Ethnics to Images of the Aborigines(2013-2015)
Associate Professor Yu-lin Lee 培育年輕學者卓越研究能力計畫:思想東亞、超克全球、想像世界(2013-2016)
Thinking East Asia, Overcoming the Global, and Imagining the World(2013-2016)
Rebuilding the Hermes Website: Taiwan Humanities Society (2013-2016)
Taiwan’s Postcolonial Event: An Incomplete Project (2012-2015)
Associate Professor Huei-chu Chu 日美新殖民主義下的在地文化生產: 戰後台灣與沖繩的文學與電影(2013-2015)
Cultural Productions under the Japanese and American Neo-colonialism: Literature and Film in Postwar Taiwan and Okinawa(2013-2015)
Associate Professor Kuo-wei Chen 從偵探到推理:八0年代台灣推理文學場域的話語轉換(2013-2015)
From Detective to Mystery: Discourse Conversion of The Taiwan Mystery Literary Field in 1980s(2013-2015)
Assistant Professor Chia-li Kao 日治時期知識體系建構與生態論述:以鹿野忠雄及其作品為研究起點(2014-2015)
Construction of Knowledge System and Ecological Discourse during the Japanese Colonial Period:
Research Beginning with Kano Tadao and his Works(2014-2015)
Assistant Professor Chun-yen Wang 世界歷史與地方表演:殖民臺灣戲劇的現代性意涵與美學政治(II-II)(2014-2015)
Universal History and Local Performance: the Aesthetics of Politics and Modernity of Performance in Colonial Taiwan(II-II) (2014-2015)
Professor Kuei-fen Chiu 台灣新紀錄片研究(2013-2015)
A Study of New Taiwan Documentaries (2013-2015)
台灣紀錄片與環境論述 (2011-2014)
Documentary Films and Environmental Discourse in Taiwan(2011-2014)
Professor Chen-fu Liao 日治前期日人在臺漢文學中的異文化觀察──從漢族風土書寫到原住民印象(2013-2015)
The Japanese Writing of Foreign Culture in the Sino Literature during the Early Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan: from Folklore of Han Ethnics to Images of the Aborigines(2013-2015)   
Associate Professor Yu-lin Lee 培育年輕學者卓越研究能力計畫:思想東亞、超克全球、想像世界(2013-2016)
Thinking East Asia, Overcoming the Global, and Imagining the World (2013-2016)
Rebuilding the Hermes Website: Taiwan Humanities Society (2013-2016)
Taiwan’s Postcolonial Event: An Incomplete Project (2012-2015)
Associate Professor Huei-chu Chu 日美新殖民主義下的在地文化生產: 戰後台灣與沖繩的文學與電影(2013-2015)
Cultural Productions under the Japanese and American Neo-colonialism: Literature and Film in Postwar Taiwan and Okinawa(2013-2015)
Assistant Professor Kuo-wei Chen 從偵探到推理:八0年代台灣推理文學場域的話語轉換(2013-2015)
From Detective to Mystery: Discourse Conversion of The Taiwan Mystery Literary Field in 1980s(2013-2015)
Sinophone Literature and Cinema: The 12th International Junior Scholars Conference on Sinology(2013-2013)
Assistant Professor Chia-li Kao 史蒂文生和中島敦的南洋書寫比較 (2012-2014)
A Comparison on Robert Louis Stevenson's and Nakajima Atsushi's Writings of the South Seas(2012-2014)
Assistant Professor Chun-yen Wang 世界歷史與地方表演:殖民臺灣戲劇的現代性意涵與美學政治(II-I)(2013-2014)
Universal History and Local Performance: the Aesthetics of Politics and Modernity of Performance in Colonial Taiwan(II-I) (2013-2014)
Professor Kuei-fen Chiu 台灣紀錄片與環境論述 (2011-2014)
Documentary Films and Environmental Discourse in Taiwan(2011-2014)
Professor Chen-fu Liao 日人在台漢文學之個案研究—山衣洲在台作品及相關資料蒐編與研究 (2011-2013)
The case study of Chinese Classical Literature by Japanese Writers in Taiwan-collection and research on Momiyama Ginushu’s literary work and his related information in Taiwan(2011-2013)
Associate Professor Yu-lin Lee 台灣後殖民事件:一個未完的方案(2012-2015)
Taiwan’s Postcolonial Event: An Incomplete Project (2012-2015)
Associate Professor Huei-chu Chu 台灣離島與沖繩群島小說比較研究 (2011-2013)
Comparative Study on Novels from Taiwan’s Remote Islands and Okinawan Archipelago(2011-2013)
Assistant Professor Kuo-wei Chen 台灣當代推理文學獎的典律建構與場域形塑 (2011-2013)
Constructing of Canon and Shaping of Field of Taiwan Contemporary Mystery Literary Award(2011-2013)
Assistant Professor Chia-li Kao 史蒂文生和中島敦的南洋書寫比較 (2012-2014)
A Comparison on Robert Louis Stevenson's and Nakajima Atsushi's Writings of the South Seas(2012-2014)
Professor Kuei-fen Chiu 台灣紀錄片與環境論述 (2011-2014)
Documentary Films and Environmental Discourse in Taiwan(2011-2014)
Professor Chen-fu Liao 日人在台漢文學之個案研究—山衣洲在台作品及相關資料蒐編與研究 (2011-2013)
The case study of Chinese Classical Literature by Japanese Writers in Taiwan-collection and research on Momiyama Ginushu’s literary work and his related information in Taiwan(2011-2013)
Associate Professor Yu-lin Lee 「南方」誌異:日治時期台灣異國情調文學系譜研究 (2009-2012)
Phantasms of Empire: A Genealogy of Japanese Exotic Literature of Taiwan (2009-2012)
Associate Professor Huei-chu Chu 台灣離島與沖繩群島小說比較研究 (2011-2013)
Comparative Study on Novels from Taiwan’s Remote Islands and Okinawan Archipelago(2011-2013)
Transnational Flows and Cultural Representations: Taiwan, Asia, and Globalizaiton as Frameworks(1999-2000)
Postcolonial Memories and Representations: Japanese and American Experiences in Postwar Taiwan’s and Okinawa’s Novels(1999-2011)
Assistant Professor Kuo-wei Chen 台灣當代推理文學獎的典律建構與場域形塑 (2011-2013)
Constructing of Canon and Shaping of Field of Taiwan Contemporary Mystery Literary Award(2011-2013)
Assistant Professor Chia-li Kao 政治、媒體與個人意識:日人派遣作家的南方寫作(2000-2011)
Politics, Media, and Individual Consciousness: The Writing of the South by the Dispatched Japanese Writers(2000-2011)
Transnationality and Modernity of Proletarian Realism Literature in the Japanese Colonial Period (2011-2012)
Professor Kuei-fen Chiu 跨國性別研究脈絡下的台灣文學-夏曼藍波安和王家祥創作裡的性別議題(2008-2011)
Gender in the writings of Syman Rapongan and Wang Chia-hsiang(2008-2011)
Professor Chen-fu Liao 日治時期在臺日人漢文作品之整理與研究─以《臺灣教育會雜誌》為中心(2010-2011)
A Study on Chinese Classical Literature Written by Japanese Writers in Taiwan During Japanese Colonial Period--Focusing on Taiwan Educational Association Magazine(2010-2011)
Associate Professor Yu-lin Lee 「南方」誌異:日治時期台灣異國情調文學系譜研究(2009-2012)
Phantasms of Empire: A Genealogy of Japanese Exotic Literature of Taiwan (2009-2012)
Associate Professor Huei-chu Chu 跨國流動與文化再現:以台灣、亞洲與全球化為思考架構(2009-2010)
Transnational Flows and Cultural Representations: Taiwan, Asia, and Global as Frameworks(2009-2010)
Postcolonial Memories and Representations: Japanese and American Experiences in Postwar Taiwan’s and Okinawa’s Novels(1999-2011)
Assistant Professor Kuo-wei Chen  文類移動與跨國生產:台灣當代推理文學場域的知識體系與生成(1997~)()(2009-2010)
Genre transformation in the context of transnational production: The Establishment of a Konwledge System in the Field of Contemporary Mystery Literature in Taiwan() (2009-2010)
Assistant Professor Chia-li Kao 政治、媒體與個人意識:日人派遣作家的南方寫作(2010-2011)
Politics, Media, and Individual Consciousness: The Writing of the South by the Dispatched Japanese Writers(2010-2011)
Professor Kuei-fen Chiu 跨國性別研究脈絡下的台灣文學-夏曼藍波安和王家祥創作裡的性別議題(2008-2011)
Gender in the writings of Syman Rapongan and Wang Chia-hsiang
Professor Chen-fu Liao 新發現櫟社史料之建構與研究─書信、日記、作品及原始文獻(2009)
The construction and research on the newly-discovered historical documentsof Li-poetic organization──Letters, Works of Literature and Original Documents
Associate Professor Yu-lin Lee 「南方」誌異:日治時期台灣異國情調文學系譜研究(2009-2012)
Phantasms of Empire: A Genealogy of Japanese Exotic Literature of Taiwan
Assistant Professor Huei-chu Chu 殖民地台灣種族關係的文學再現()(2009-2000)
Literary Representations of Racial Relations in Colonial Taiwan()(2009-2000)
Transnational Flows and Cultural Representations: Taiwan, Asia, and Globalizaiton as Frameworks(2009-2010)
Postcolonial Memories and Representations: Japanese and American Experiences in Postwar Taiwan’s and Okinawa’s Novels
Assistant Professor Kuo-wei Chen 文類移動與跨國生產:台灣當代推理文學場域的知識體系與生成(1997~)(2009-2010)
Genre transformation in the context of transnational production: The Establishment of a Konwledge System in the Field of Contemporary Mystery Literature in Taiwan(2009-2010)

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TEL. 886-4-22840671 ext 13 Fax. 886-4-22875571 Mail. taiwan@dragon.nchu.edu.tw
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